A Taste of Tradition: Exploring the Staples of Ugandan Cuisine

Posted on 1 January, 2025

It’s often said that if you want to more deeply understand a culture, look to its food. Ugandan food is flavorful, delicious and healthy, much of which originated from Asian, Arabic and English cultures.

Most of the rural Ugandan population grows its own food. Keep an eye out for these staple dishes if you come to visit.


Matoke is the most popular staple dish in Uganda. It consists of a stew made with chicken and green bananas, seasoned with various spices. The dish is prepared by making a banana puree, which is then combined with vegetables and chicken. Ingredients such as onions, garlic, green peppers, curry, ginger, coriander, milk and chilies are added during cooking.


Previously, luwombo was reserved only for royalty, but is now popular in Ugandan cooking. It is prepared with chicken, beef or goat meat, which is cooked in banana leaves over low heat. Top it off with peanut sauce, which accentuates the meat’s flavor. In other words, a mouthwatering meal fit for a king.


Posho, or millet, is a common breakfast food cooked as a porridge. To prepare, cook maize flour with water until it becomes a thick dough resembling mashed potatoes. It is then served with meat or vegetable sauce.


Ugali is a staple dish found throughout East Africa. It’s a simple yet delicious dish made from maize flour, typically formed into a paste or ball. Ugali pairs well with fish or vegetables and can be enjoyed either hot or cold.


Not to be confused with the watch brand, rolex is a combination of “rolled” and “eggs,” and is a popular street food in Uganda. Essentially, it’s a rolled-up omelette with veggies and meat, wrapped in chapati (flatbread) and served hot. Our mouths are watering just thinking about it.


Most bodies of water in East Africa contain tilapia. This is a popular fish to eat in Uganda and is often served grilled or fried. Pair with onions, salt, pepper and fish seasoning for a sweet-but-mild, flavorful experience.

Roasted Peanuts

Roasted peanuts are a hugely popular snack between meals here in Uganda. You’ll find them at pop-up stalls sold in paper cones. They’re healthy, delicious and have a great texture.

Help Ugandan Children Fill Their Plates

Of course, these dishes are only a “taste” of Uganda’s rich cuisine, and there are so many more meals worth trying. Even so, the majority of Uganda’s children face food insecurity, which means they don’t get to enjoy the meals their culture is so well known for.

Le Coeur strives to create a safe space for starving children, where their bellies are full and they can enjoy what their cuisine has to offer. Make your pledge today and help us fill their plates.